Wednesday, October 31, 2018

20181031-Multi-Purpose Trip

so the purpose of this trip would be multi faceted accomplishing a few goals with the serviced depth sounder as well as getting a few minutes of fishing in.

The last day of October would be nice to tag a certificate fish… would be a first for the October month and is a long shot. October, November, December, March are the elusive months for me for the certificate fish…. Most of the time is wasted during open water to safe ice transition… last year was a total of 4 months of no safe fishing!

Once in the water, the temp registered a blistering 42° at the shore... away from the shoreline kicked up two degs.

One of the goals to accomplish today is to get some sonar logs completed in some shallow flats without the weed congestion associated with the warmer seasonal periods. Some of the lake that needed to be logged and mapped showed some fish in the magic 6-12 foot range. I logged 0 fish out in the deeper flats. I marked waypoints where I saw the schools and continued mapping to fish later.

Since this was a new replacement unit for my faulty sonar I wanted to thoroughly run it thru it’s paces, buttons and features before the ice settles in for the hard water period.

After the logging of lake remainder, I rigged up with some of my favorite micros and slip/floats and headed for the waypoints.

No matter what the presentation… even dropshotting I could not entice a strike in about an hour’s time… wow! And could be an official skunking! I see the fish on the sonar but they will not bite… given I was on a lull period between a Minor.Period and a Major.Period on an 11% FAL day… I fished up the leg of the Major.Period hopefully to end the skunking at hand but ended up empty.

Going in on this trip I knew that fishing would be tough but I needed to finish up on that lake map and test the replacement sonar… I honestly cant remember a date of a skunking in my history of fishing! Especially for panfish!!... this lake also gave up many 100+ fish/trip totals for me in the past.

This only consolidates affirmation of the Solunar tables and strategy for me for fishing success. So combined solunar low for intra-year (Cold-Water Period) as well as intra-month low at 11% for the day and some fishing during the Lull.Period and Uptick Major.Period resulted in poor fishing for the day. i knew this going in

Knowing what to expect on days like this per solunar tables I don’t rethink my strategy s or presentation… I didn’t do anything wrong or pick wrong lure colors and choices… my methods are confirmed and I have faith in’s all in the tables.

tight lines,


Thursday, October 25, 2018

20181025-Near skunking in the Cold-Water Period

Checking my logs it was hard to believe it’s been over two weeks since I have been out on the lake last. In that period of time, a fisherman easily loses contact with the pulse of fish activity on the BOW. We have made the quick change of summer-like temps in early October to near winter-like conditions at night currently.

We are now in the fall Cold Period historically my worst seasonal period to fish. Quantity and quality of fish are at the yearly lows. Much of this period is unfishable due to the transition of soft to hard water. Many years I will lose an avg of up to 2 months of actual fishing due to this transition.

Estimating water temps in the mid 40’s I knew the bite would be tough but I didn’t think I was going to take a beating… near skunking… with only 4 fish in the boat in just over 3 hours worth of fishing time spent. This beating took place on a lake I have easily tagged over a hundred panfish in a single day several times this season!

It is certainly a tough time to be out on the water. If fishing was good there would be more fishermen out on the lakes. Like today I had the whole lake to myself.
Weather was good… sunshine and very little breeze with air temps near 50°. I layered up with sweats and took my ice suit.
Once on the water I confirmed mid 40’s for water temps and crystal clear waters.

I was without my sidescan imaging HOOK2… great tool for finding tight schools of fish over wide areas. At the time I was confident in my waypoints and knowledge base of the lake.

I did a perimeter check In the crystal clear flat waters in the shallows near my waypoints and found no fish activity whatsoever. One lowly crayfish was the only sign of life in many yards of the shoreline of a visual check. It was going to be a tough day I thought.

My first area of fishing was an expansive area of wooded flats with projecting stumps… scattered weed beds or better described as patches were noticed.

Two slip float/fly/waxie setups were immediately employed as I fan cast the area in between with micro-jigs and crappie swim jigs… nothing.

Moving on I encountered the same pulse… negativity! I was on a Major.Major and striking out! I projected casts tight to cover in less than 2’ FOW and encountered a scrappy 17” class LMB on the slip/float/mousie-fly/waxie. The LMB got me out of skunking status and I moved on after zeroing out on any more tags.

Moving to a shallow expansive bay I made long casts with the slip/float/mousie-fly/waxie setups and detected no activity… long casting the Lil-Minnow proved futile.

After a long period of time I started working my way back to the boat launch still determined to find fish … any fish. I noticed a dimple along a line of stumps in 8 FOW/weeds on the flat water. I over shot the dimple with a long cast slip/float/mousie-fly/waxie and ended up with a lowly 7” B.Gill. Excited to find any activity I worked the area thoroughly and tagged a nice P.Seed with the long-cast/.016 oz Simple Spider jig.

The bite fell off so I decided to scan the creek channel with down scan imaging and sonar. I discovered a tightly packed school of small to medium sized fish. Vertically jigging the school produced a 7” single Y.Perch on a tiny tungsten waxie tipped micro jig. 4 fish in 4 hours… very tough outing.

I started back to the launch after scanning more channel area and deep flats coming up empty.

One of the main purposes of the trip was to work the newer jig and fly ties. I was completely satisfied with its action under the float and the jig on the cast… I have a good feeling it will be a top producer for the next open water season.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

20181024-Game Prep for 20181025 Trip

The game plan for this moon period and the choice of the lake will be made at the end of the drive this morning. One lake is great for both species B.Crappie and B.Gill but is private and the trophy tag does n’t count towards the DNR database. The other lake has some huge B.Crappie in it and I have tagged a few nudging the 14” mark while Earl tagged one in April at 15”

the DNR lake is a small reservoir with some projecting stump fields as well as some nice weed beds. Mainly shallow averaging 6-9’ with a creek channel that runs to near 30’ at the dam. The crappie looks robust and fast growing the b.gill are numerous with some lunkers at the top of the chain. I haven't broken the 10” mark with the gill in this lake but got a few p.seeds over the 9” mark.

I have a blast long-casting the Lil Minnow as well as the LCD baits shallow and in between the many docks and boats during the summer periods. at this time of year, the docks and boats will be gone. interesting to see if the gills will be there.

There is a small shallow bay that holds many gills during the warmer periods. It would be nice to know if the gills are still there also during this fall coldwater period. That is why I'm leaning towards this lake as my selection. Why not? I'm already very familiar with the private lake and a trip there would surely be a success. I pick the challenge. Fail or succeed will greatly enhance the knowledge base for future planning.

The rod bundle for today will be my popular combination… (2) slip float and (3) long cast micro jig set-ups.

I would like to be on the lake by noon with the Major.Period starting at 12:55 and extending to 15:25.

I will be without my side scan imaging with the HOOK2. That unit would have been great for spotting random crappie schools on the flats. I hooked up the rusty old Elite 7HDI in its place just for this trip or until I get the new unit back from warranty service. All my waypoints were transferred to the unit.

I will be greeting mid to upper 40's for surface temps. clear sunny skies and mid 50's for air temps with mild winds.

Friday, October 19, 2018

20181019-Timing the Minor.Period for an eater slot SMB

It’s SMB season on the local reservoirs in my neighborhood. My home lake and favorite lake for the SMB is down 4-6’ in lake levels for dam repair etc. so I fish the next best located right in midtown. With some shore access, good methods and the correct timing I procured an eater slot SMB on the long cast/.062 oz jig/2.0 inch Apex Shad with a nice battle on the light tackle. Took some pics packed him in the cooler and finished my shopping for the rest of the dinner.

Life is Good!


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

20181010-Successful day fishing... repeat the next day with the same pattern

Planning and checking the Solunar tables and Accucast forecast for today's trip I noticed weather coming in from the West with showers lasting 2 hours in a 4 Hour time frame. The showers would be light and at times drizzle. This rain shower time frame would take up some of the intra-day major. I was willing to take the chance and fish it out using my rain gear. No big deal.

I quickly launched and made it to my successful Waypoint in 20 minutes and I was making my first cast into a nice fish. ... mid 8 bluegills make me smile every time. The bite started off slow just like yesterday and was hoping for it to pick up during the remainder of the trip.

I proceeded to tag some nine-inch class bluegills long casting the LCD jig fan casting large areas on the 6-foot Flats. Scanning the edge of the deep break found no fish on the sonar. I was presuming the fish were holding tight to the weed clump edges scattered along the flat. I continued picking them off.

While concentrating on controlled drifts through productive areas I noticed weather coming in from the West. The drizzle started settling in as predicted and I continued fishing. As the rain intensified so did the wind and the bite was lost. I aimed my back towards the weather and continued fishing... Minute by minute the rain intensified along with the Wind. The rain was leaking in under the hood of my rain gear due to the wind and I was getting soaked.

I started the outboard and headed towards the bridge. Under the shelter of the bridge, I was able to use my cell phone and access AccuWeather and noticed that the duration and intensity of the rain showers changed for the worse. The showers were to continue until the following morning I picked up anchor and headed towards the launch!

Looking back at the data for the trip I needed to be on the lake on this major during the warm weather. 82% FAL day is definitely worth fishing especially with an extended cold front possibly pushing us into a cold water period coming in for the next couple weeks. Spent some time and got some quality tags in... Love the tug of a 9 inch plus B. Gill with the possibility of a trophy in the mix ... Will very rarely turn that opportunity down!

Researching the weather later I discovered Hurricane Michael traveled north on a path so quickly it drew heavy moisture from the gulf affecting our weather here to the north on the tundra. Overall I was elated to get some time in on the water during the New Moon Period.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

20181009- Hitting the Major.Major with Summer like Temps the day after the New Moon FAL (Fish Activity Level) @94%

What a great combination of good weather and good FAL! I was excited to get on the water. The combination of conditions was perfect except for the downed water levels at my favorite trophy Reservoir. Current water levels were down 4 to 6 feet for Dam repair this could work for me or against me. Concentrating fish seems to be a good thing so we'll see.

Once at the boat launch I did a careful review for safe launching conditions. The concrete slabs for the launch were out of alignment and there were 8 to 10 in drops from the top of the concrete slab to the lake bottom at the end of the slab. A bad scenario for trailer axles! One corner of the launch offered the safest entry into the water. It required a slight offset in the angle of launch of the boat for the safest entry.

Once the boat was launched I noticed another Angler setting up for and checking out the launch.

Striking up a conversation I pointed out the safest launch entry point and direction for him to Launch. By further discussion, he disclosed he was fishing for and targeting walleyes. He stated this was a lake he rarely fished but has done well in the past on walleyes and smallmouth bass. He continued talking while checking his phone that he was here to fish the major period and had only a couple hours to fish… my jaw was dropping a bit… then he stated he surprises many of his fishing buddies with his large quantities of walleye fishing the periods midday in the middle of summer… yep then the jaw hit the ground.

Literally hundreds of discussions thru the years with fishermen on the water and at the launch sites… including ice fishing…. Fishermen that just don’t get it don’t believe in it or ignore solunar strategy all together. Then there are some that believe there is a relationship with the full moon and fishing/hunting success/failure but may also be a coincidence in their experience. I have never met another fisherman that “got it”… fishing the intra-day solunar major and minor periods.

Once on the water and on my way to my first waypoint checking map depths to actual sonar readings revealed a drawdown in water level between 4 and five foot on avg. the water surface temp sitting at low 60’s.

My Rod bundle for the day included 3 long-cast micro jigging rods and 2 slip/float/spring cricket/waxie setups. I’ve been really excited about my spring cricket fly and jig pattern… lately it’s been causing some real excitement with the Lepomis including a Certificate fish the past month.

An Intra-Month New Moon Period @ 94% and timing the Major.Period Intraday becomes a Major.Major, an awesome timeframe to be in for fishing success.

Once settled onto the flat which was one time sitting steadily at 9-0’ and now 5-0’ I noticed the fish were slow in bite thinking they now have become widely scattered due to the reduced water levels.

I started some controlled drifts with wind and trolling motor and picked up the pace on the bite a bit. Most of the bites were long-casting/micro jigs/waxies… my go to method.

The fishing was still at a slower pace than normal for the period consideration.

I noticed some potential weather coming in with thunder in the far distance. Checking Accucast weather I noted a t’storm small in size and started working my way towards the bridge for some temporary cover.

The life of the t’storm was about 35 mins so I continued fishing under the bridge using the slip/float/spring cricket/waxie method putting some nice casts tight to the concrete.

In a short time frame I connected with a great fish along with a great fight on the Ultra light setup… right away I knew it was a good LMB by the battle and played it carefully with pressure keeping it away from the bottom rubble. I netted and visually sized it up I thought immediately it was a certificate fish… I quickly took a few snaps and stretched the massive LMB on the scale… at best I stretched the fish to 21.75 but it averaged 21.5… @ 21.75 my Personal Best! I quickly released the HAWG back into the water. WOW!!!

On my way back to the launch the walleye angler I spoke to earlier stopped me to show me his limit of walleyes and a nice N.Pike!

Another great day on the water folks!

Monday, October 8, 2018

20181008-Tuesday drops down only to a 94% FAL… still, like fishing the 3 days of the new or full moon… hopefully, I’ll be feeling better tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be summer-like with air temps in the low 80s’… I want to be a part of that even if someone has to duct tape me to the boat seat.

The last outing I recorded water temps in the mid to upper 50’s… 10 degs cooler for this time of year. With air temps at 80degs should put us back to near 60 or just over for water temps.

I’m still favoring the tougher lake and conditions… reservoir with a 4-6 ft drawdown for dam repair. My favorite 10’ flats will be around 5’ deep if the fish are still there they should be easier to tag. The decision on which lake will probably be decided at the end of the driveway… lol

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

20181003-Putting Family and Friends on the Trophies

The day started out with Drizzle low clouds and showers... With the original booking canceling because of the weather Lucas and Maverick stepped up and filled the gap. Checking Accucast there were periodic showers lasting just minutes for the next 2 hours so we decided to push forward.

I headed to the lake early to launch the boat and pre-fish some of my favorite waypoints on the lake before they arrived.

The first and favorite waypoint for the lake produced 0 fish with five minutes of casting… could not procure a bite or spot a fish on the sonar or side Scan Imaging.

At a 27% FAL (Fish Activity Level) is a near low for the month… pessimistically we were looking at a poor outing with a negative fish activity level. The optimistic outlook is that it is a good lake I have confidence in. The weather wasn't helping but there was Improvement in the early afternoon forecast with warming temperatures with rain ending.

After skunking on my first waypoint I decided to do a side scan of the deep break at 10 feet. The side Scan Imaging and the down scan Imaging showed fish hanging on the deep edge at that break. As I continued scanning I found schools of baitfish compacted into balls and large schools of bluegills and crappies surrounding.

I anchored the boat near one of the schools and started making casts. Within a couple cast I hooked up with a good fish it ended up stretching the board at 13.25”.  My Outlook for the rest of the trip was looking up. As I was taking snaps of the fish I noticed headlights at the boat launch pulled up anchor and picked up Lucas and Maveric.

Wasting no time we loaded up their gear and headed back to the Waypoint of success.

Lucas is hooked on 1/32 ounce jigs tipped with 2 inch Class gulp minnows in the silver and black pattern as bait. He has success with Bass and B.Crappie with this setup long casting with a five and a half foot Wild series Shakespeare rod and Shimano Sienna spinning reel loaded with 6 pound Nano. He bought this setup at my suggestion and has been thrilled with his success using it.

We immediately started tagging fish with a flurry of action that would last an hour. The Solunar table showed we were on a downslope of the major and as soon as a Lull.Period set in action slowed down considerably to a snail pace.

During the Lull.Period the weather dramatically improved rain ending and the sun showing turning damp fall into warm summer-like conditions.

Lucas decided to extend the trip to the 4 p.m. mark on a Minor.Period upslope. Approaching the Minor.Period activity started picking up to the point where Lucas tagged a trophy 14in on the mark black crappie! Minutes later he tagged a 9-inch class pumpkin seed hybrid at the 9-inch mark... Nice lunker!

I was finding success with quality fish long casting the 1/64 Oz spring Cricket jig tip with a pink or chartreuse waxie. Slip /float /fly /waxie produced very little activity. The fish were approaching the flats from the first deep break.
The schools of fish were comprised of a mix of bluegill and crappy with quality and quantity.

I was really impressed with the successful results casting the micro spring cricket / waxie. With a smaller jig size from 1/32 to the downsized 1/64, Oz produced a nice slow descent and gliding presentation. The panfish showed positive interest in the presentation bluegill and crappie alike.

The trip ended at 4 p.m. with some very good and dramatic results as well. With two trophies in the boat for the afternoon was a great accomplishment for Lucas... Tough to do! Congratulations Lucas!

Total numbers of the day we're over seventy-five fish in the boat including two trophies what a trip!

  • 9:45 On the lake
  • 9:54 Major.Period Ends begin the downslide to 11:30
  • 10:11 tagged a 95% Master Angler Rated B.Crappie
  • 11:30 Lull.Period Starts
  • 11:45 fishing activity greatly slows
  • 14:45 the pace starts picking up
  • 15:00 Minor.Period Upturn begins
  • 15:10 Lucas tags a 14” Trophy Crappie
  • 15:37 Minor.Period begins
  • 16:04 Last cast Lucas tags a trophy P.Seed Hybrid
  • 16:10 end trip
