Saturday, January 20, 2018

Weather Delaying Ice Fishing Activity

Weather Delaying Ice Fishing Activity

…even though we are recording over 10" of ice... weather conditions have been  so harsh with health threatening wind chills has kept me off the ice looking on the horizon of avg temps of 29 degs to get back on.*9BUO0bGR6Gcs7QG7X8CK66WcOWo3PjTwSVb8w8aLwPi6wQbzrT0T6RbjdUW/20180103_161124.jpg

…temperature graph showing below normal temps for the month of January. looking like 20-30" of ice by the end of January. might be fishing thru the ice March this year!

2017-Final Report Card is In!

20180120-the final numbers are in for 2017 ending the year for a total of 15 registered and documented trophy Michigan Panfish.

I waited till the last minute to register (2) Green sunfish attaching a personal fisherman’s story to the fish… the fish was identified as the same fish caught 3 different times twice in one day by two different fishermen and then again two days later in the same small cut in Wixom lake… an amazing fish tale focusing on the benefits of Catch and Release! … What amazing odds and would make a great fish-story!!

After tagging just 2 master anglers in 2016 including my first 10” plus B.Gill… in 2017 I end up with 6 total B.Gills and 9 additional other panfish Master Anglers. Many firsts and Personal Bests would also be included.

1. (2) P.Seeds thru the ice one being my PB at 9.8”.

2. First 14” plus B.Crappie in over 40 years.

3. First 14” plus Personal Best trophy Yellow Bullhead

4. Personal Best B.Gill

5. Multiple days of Multiple Master Angler Fish in single trips

6. Personal Best Trophy Green Sunfish at 9.25”

7.completed the cycle in just one year... 4 patches for 4 different species!

2017-Final Report Card is In!